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The Perplexed and Perplexing
Supreme Be All and End All
Preeti Bariana
decidedly 18..but i still feel about 5..
23rd April

Being evil, poetry, riddles, occasionally taking pictures, McD's fries and Coke, doughnuts and chocolate, shoes, books, the city


Kindred Spirits

Madame Mahima
Weekly Dose of Secrets
Sonz and Co.
From when we were madder
Supreme Be All and End All

Designer: Lisee
Image: Sxu
Brushes: M P H V
Copyrighted 2007 Lisee Mortell.
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners, but the making of the layout is credited towards my art program and me.

curls fingers, hi
Tagboard code here.

Saturday, August 11, 2007
1:32 AM
oh bugger it...im back at this once again...haven't been doing much of it...okay..so i'm not the world's most devoted blogger...but i'm here once again...why?...writing compulsion...and i don't believe in diaries...a little too 1698 for my taste...right..so besides telling people what i ate for lunch...i have v.v. little to say today...it was a samosa(well...okay fine..3) and a lot of nuts btw, for those of you who are desperate for such useless tidbits of information...in my defence...i was extremely hungry..for i only had 2 and half hours of sleep the night before...because i'm the worst procrastinator there is..because the cat ate the rat who bloody well lived in the house that jack built...so..current status...bored to tears...literally..the spirit cleansing sage my dad is burning is causing me to cry buckets...not soul heaving sobs of course...that will come by when i go to bed only to inevitably discover that i have absolutely nothing to read...its awful to be left all alone with one's own thoughts...so yea..on to my dad's new age fanticism...he used to be a skeptic...and i spent most of my time trying to convince him to let me buy a tarot deck..he told me to shut up with all this pagan nonsense and go pray to god for the salvation of my very corrupted soul...yup..now, this very denouncer of paganism is running around the house burning sage and waving it in everyone's face, to cleanse us of the demons that plague our existence...and he won't let us open the windows either...so here we are..dying slowly of smoke inhalation...adieu..


Thursday, June 28, 2007
3:13 PM
back from the dead it seems...people have been standing me up an awful lot these days...idiots...yea..im bitter..but whats it to you??..i have a pimple the size of man-freaking-hattan on my chin...i have become a beacon for freaks...they are guided to me by the luminescence of my ginormous zit...please..come up to me and wave ur arms about like a deranged windmill while singing the spongebob song at the top of ur lungs...while wearing bunny suit that has seen both WW1 and 2...yea...please...im gonna go check on stander-upper one last time...yup..back...the stupid stander-upper stood me up...i hate 'im...i'd pelt him to death with samosas...only...he'd probably just eat em...owh well...the evil eye will have to do this time...bahahahahahaha....may his icecream melt onto his shoes...may his chocolate cake be made from low grade cocoa..my his shoes be sewn together from leftover parachutes...i'm bored now...i'm gonna go think up more evil eye curses...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
3:35 PM
yea..so in the darkest hours of my imminent boredom, i have come up with a very very very..cunning plan...okay, fine..its not really a plan...nor is it very very very cunning for that matter...but its mine..see..all mine...*plays pt barnum circus tune*...okay..so back to my uncunning un-plan...i have decided to blog about school and life in this city of eternal winters...not that i havent been whining about all this before...but its supposed to be symbolic if one announces this officially..so here goes...episode 1 of school and the city...be dazzled, be amazed,be astounded...
or just read on to see if i've truly lost my marbles or if i'm just kidding around.. HINT: i dont kid around that often...people just haven't realzied it yet...
this is quite possibly the least read blog on the whole WWW...but do i care..?...no..not really...but somewhere in the depths of my corrupted, and smog polluted soul..there exists an inkling of a feeling..for this doomed-to-anonymity blog to undoomify itself and rise to the heights of....go figure...

12:43 AM
bored..bored..BORED...okay, so technically, I'm not supposed to even be bored..why?..because I'm swimming in a sea of homework...mainly calculus...in other news, these molecules aren't the boss of the universe....makes no sense yet..but it will someday...so much for pictures...am i boring you to death?...go poke yourself with a shovel...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
2:25 PM
hola...i have an almost overwhelming urge to whack someone repeatedly with a broomstick...but ..being the ultimate poster child for self-restraint that i am..i shall refrain from causing both physical and mental trauma to my already damaged peers..who seem to think that smoking pot is *the* way to go...in other news...some crazy pot addict might very well be stalking me...and it is quite possible that he owns a gun..with real bullets in it..but other than that..my life is just peachy..math is dull..chem is quite possibly the dullest thing since watching door nails...nevertheless, i persevere..why?..cos i don't know what else to do..if only some anonymously filthy rich relative would kick the bucket and leave me his/her anonymous fortune...alas,..knowing my relatives...even if they were rolling in dough..they'd sooner pelt me to death with their impressive frozen samosa collection than give me any real money...(they've tried to bribe me with monopoly money on more than one occasion...go figure..)..and that concludes today's not-news report...i will go stand in the middle of the street...hakuna...

Monday, May 07, 2007
2:10 PM
so here i am...once again..at the library..my sanctuary..from the impending doom of the general population's idiocy...okay..that was mean...but if you've suffered as i have..you'd be hollering out the same thing..exactly what grave injustice have i suffered you ask?..how much time do you have?..no..not exaggerating this time...okay..so maybe a little..but still..so far..I havent expressed a single coherent thought..have you realized that?..or are you just reading on in the hopes that i might say something entertaining...about the disaster that is my life?..right..too much talky...going to go drown myself in gummy bears..


Sunday, March 25, 2007
11:52 PM
first post...in a long long time...what on earth to say?...im...for once...at a loss for words...oh well...the next post will be less disappointing...i hope...maybe even some pictures...


11:35 PM